Can Cell Phones get Viruses and Malware?

Last Updated on 9 months by Touhid

A virus is a software program that can be installed on cell phone without users’ knowledge and causing potential harm to cell phone storage, apps crash and installed unwanted apps. In this post we will discuss on can cell phones get viruses and malware?

Can Cell Phones get Viruses and Malware?

Virus and malware are most important concern for anyone who is using a cell phone or computer. Viruses and malware are related with computers such as desktop or laptop computer. Now the question is: Can cell phones get Viruses and malware?

The simple answer is: yes, cell phones get viruses. They are infected on your cell phone in the same way as your computer such as clicking on suspicious hyperlinks, pop-ups ads, download attachment files and install unnecessary apps.

Can cell phones get viruses

Read More about How Do I Know If My Phone Has A Virus?

Types of Cell Phones Viruses

There are different types of viruses on cell phones. Here is the list of some common types of cell phone viruses are as follows:

1. Trojan

Can mobile phones get Viruses? A Trojan is a software program that looks legitimate apps and it can install on your cell phones. Once the software is installed on your cell phone then trojan virus can capture sensitive information, such as login credentials, bank account details or credit card information and damage your data. It can also deactivate applications of your phone.

2. Adware

Adware is unwanted software which installs without your permission and display advertisements up on your mobile screen. It used to collect information, redirecting you to vulnerable websites, and throwing advertisements into your web browser.

How Does Adware Attack? 

  • When you click on that type of advertisements then it redirect you to an advertising websites and collect information from to you.
  • It steals your sensitive information and login credentials by monitoring your online activities and selling that information to the third party.
  • It may also slow down your internet connection by using up valuable bandwidth to retrieve advertisements.

 3. Spyware

Spyware is software program also known as spy app that secretly monitors and records information from target phones. It records cell phone calls, text messages and other sensitive information such as browsing history, messaging data, location and contacts.

4. Phishing

Phishing is a type of cybercrime which attempt to gain sensitive and confidential information through email messages, websites or phone calls. The information is usernames, passwords, credit card information and network credentials.

In this attack, an attacker sends phishing emails to victims in order to steal of login credentials and personal information.

Learn more about Types of Phishing attack.

Learn more about How to Prevent Phishing?

5. Ransomware

Mobile ransomware is a type of malware which typically displays a message that the phone has been locked and demands for money in order to access the phone. It is delivered via malicious apps, and deletes the infected app in order to retrieve access to your mobile. The recent ransomware attacks are WannaCry, Petya, Cerber, Locky and CryptoLocker etc.

How Does Ransomware Install on Cell Phone?

All types of threats typically installed in a phone through the following ways:

  • When download and open a malicious email attachment
  • Install an infected software or apps
  • When user visit a malicious or vulnerable website
  • Click on untrusted web link or images

 Learn more How to remove virus from your Phone?

Finally, a phone can get viruses by hackers and they can hack your sensitive information. We have discussed on “can cell phones get viruses” and types of virus on cell phones. Hope the article will be helpful for you!

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